Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do you know your neighbors?

I realized lately that I am unfamiliar with my immediate surroundings. I know what and where people on my block live but i dont know these people that live within a football field of me. So why is this? Why dont most we try to connect with our neighbors? Do we secrectly harbor fears that the guy next door wants to blow up a post office or is it just simply a fear of the unknown. As Christians, I believe we are called to be a light unto this world, to show what God's redeeming plan through our way of life. Doesn't this begin with relationships and why not start with the people across the street?

This is the first one of i hope many conversations on this blog. Please leave comments and or further quesitons that come to mind. Much love.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Come on Brewers Fans

Needless to say, its not really a pleasant time to be a fan of Wisconsin Sports teams. Considering the crew just got demoralized by their rivals from the north side of chicago and the front office of my beloved packers is convinced that we are better team without one of the 5 best signal callers in the NFL, the only optimistic news that can be seen on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is the fact that Andrew Bogut's Team Austrailia stuck it to Yi's China in Olympic tune up games. Not exactly the type of news that makes you want to crack a PBR in celebration (although definitely news that makes you want to crack a case of cheap brandy to forget).

Anyways the loses and the ignorance aren't what pushed me over the edge. What really gets to me is the fact that Miller Park was turned into Wringley North in what was the biggest series the crew has played in some 10 or 15 odd years. While lisening to the games on my mlb radio i couldnt even realize if something good or bad had happened because the decible level of the cheering was the same all the time. My conclusion for this is two fold, one, the cubs bandwagon is getting righteously out of hand and two, miller park is too friendly of a place because brewers fans are pussies. Thats right i said it. We're too "oh welcome to my big beautiful new ball park, see the retractable roof ahhh yes were classy here just come and see the park adn have a good time." Thats bullshit, homefield advantage is huge and we piss it away because we want others to admire our stadium. If i was at game two or three or even four of the series I would have thrown beer and trash on anything that was in pinstripes, specifically targetting old ladies and childern in order to start animosity that would strike fear into the hearts of all cubs fans and make them think twice about coming to miller park for a series against the brewers. Think about it, do Packer fans not go into the metrodome a little nervous that theyll walk out with a viking horn lodged in their ass. Do you Red Sox fans ever venture into the right field bleachers at yankee stadium? Do Giants fans start scrambling to buy seats behind homeplate at Chavez ravine? The answer is no and the reason is becaues the bad blood between the fans has spilled over into the stands. This needs to happen at Miller Park with the Cubs. We need to take our home back and it starts with some good old fashioned intimidation. So this is a call to arms brewers fans....we need to be the equivalent of Eric Gange throwing a ball behind Jim Edmonds. No more Bullshit from the largest bandwagon since red sox nation!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Donald aka The King of Smack

I heard this rant by the Donald reset on Jim Rome today and well, everyone needs to see how bad Mr. Trump verbally abuses Rosie O'Donnel. My favorite line, "She talks like a, a, a, a truck driver." Gold pure Gold!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The real MC is a jeanie!

“I was freestyling…That's all…That is what MC's do…They freestyle when called upon…And by the way, don't forget, six albums, two platinum, two gold.”

That was a quote from Shaq this morning after word broke out about is “Kobe Rap”. Now I really could care less about Kazaam lyrically assisinating Kobe (by the way, if Kobe wants to get back at Shaq he should really commit to making public appearances dressed as geanie, responding to every question by yelling “KAAAAZZZZZAAAAAMMMM!), what I really care about is the fact that Shaq has two platinum albums and two gold albums to go along with some championship rings. So I’m dropping my work and finding out: a) what albums are these and b) where does this rank shaq in the pantheon of musicians.

Well my fact checker aka wikipedia shows me Kazaam is lying, only one platinum album, Shaq Diesel, and three gold albums entitled “You cant stop the reign”, “Shaq Fu: Da Return”, and “The best of Shaquille O’Neal.” Take that and stuff it in your geanie bottle!

In terms of music, lets just say the platinum Shaq Diesel can cozy up next to Snow: 12 inches.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I rhyme with my time so i get paid

(The title has nothing to do with this blog...i just felt like tupac for a second)

This morning I was watching saved by the bell, as I usually do on saturday mornings (thank the lord for the WB becasue my life would be incomplete without Reba and Saved By the Bell), and anways I became kind of ill. Yeah physically ill, you see it was the episode where Zach gets the cheap class rings (which is hilarious because everyone is all about class rings) and they are false gold yah dee yah dee yah. So if you are an avid Saved By the Bell watcher you know that this episode happens to lie within the 12 episodes where Kelly and Jessie are gone and both are replaced by the biker chick, Tori. The episode is good funny and out of touch, however, i became ill at the sight of a Zach and Tori kiss at the end of the episode. Come on Zach, really.....Tori!? You go from Kelly to Tori, I have a problem with this. In fact I have a problem with Zach's dating period during the whole freaking 12 episodes. First its the new girl Joanna, then the girl in the wheel chair and then Tori. Its like the producers were trying to hook zach up with anything that walks or wheels, when they should have just said, listen, no one is hotter than Kelly Kapowski, lets say she did an abroad thing, drop her name every episode by having Slater ask Zach how Kelly was and set it up for the bumpy ride of the college years a year later. Thats a way better deal than watching the coolest characheter since Sam Malone (watch Cheers) lower his standards. At the very least introduce a character somewhere in Kellys orbit, its freakin SoCal, there has to be better looking and a lot less manly girls than Tori at Bayside High! In fact I know there is because in the afformentioned episode they all hang out with Screech when he takes down the slimy ring guy. And thats all i got...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

An update and my vids of the week

Good saturday morning to you all..first off i have found a couple new blogs that deal with tunes by some old friends...these links are below and im pretty sure that some of you who kill time at work reading my non sense can kill even more time by reading their non sense so here are the links enjoy: by one Matt Bloem (just started) by one Josh Chambers (quality tunes here)

Well I was perusing my own blog recently and I went to the first post and saw that what happened to my blog was not what i meant to happen. So to make ammends let me share some of the latest events that have gone down in the red stick:

-Jill and I scored a coon hound (classic southern pooch) who barks and bays and damages our apartment but loves us dearly and serves as birth control for jill and i

-I recently was told that Barack Obama was the anti-chrsit and I shouldn't vote for him to which i responded, well if he really is the anti-christ i dont think voting for McCain is going to keep him out of office

-I found one place that sells PBR and cannot buy there with an out of state liscense because the cashier told me its against a national law to buy with an out of state liscense (this futhers my beleif that people think the confederation will rise again, i bet if i was from south of the mason dixon line i could have bought PBR, then again no one south of dixie drinks PBR so i was screwed both ways)

-Crawfish is the most amazing thing ever (only boiled though)

-People in the south are afraid of black people..i know this because jill and i are moving to a neighborhood of mixed races and people have told us to take every precaution besides buying a weapon ( and im pretty sure they didnt tell us that because they assume we already own one)

-Everyone thinks yankees are were just not 35 years behind the ball

-There is a plethora of Hummers around here

-Concealed weapons are legal here, without a CWP

-Every tuesday at school im told to repent and not have sex with guys because the big man is coming back (apparently this will be set into motion by Obamas presidency)

-Its warm...warm to the point where im chilly if its not above 65....this is problematic because my ideal tempearture window has shrunk...up north the ideal temp is 45-80 down heres its 65-85....the high window is about the same because whens it is above 80 your sweating balls no matter where youre at.

-When it rains it f'ing pours...literally...not figuratively

So thats about it, its been a good semsester and i look forward to living in the scary neighborhood next on to some links/vids (since the semester has ended ive been killing alot of time on the internet looking at are some of this weeks favs)

Daily show link of the week

Its a tie between tuesday and wednesdays episodes...jon stewart on the wv elections...quotes are i know why the founding fathers set up the electoral college

Go to the 1:20 mark and be awed by all that is Jon Stewart:

Bo Ryan crankin' the Soulja Boy

and your akon video of the week

Well that will about do it folks

Thursday, May 15, 2008

All the Eucher one can handle

Lounging at home today, after listening to the brew crew lose by giving up 6 in the 7th thanks to ned yosts amazing descision to keep ben sheets after already giving up a bomb and single in three batters (i only blame ned yost for losses now and will continue to do this until he is gone.....i like to call this the mike sherman phase) when I decided to walk to the mailbox and pick up the copy of SI which has just begun to appear in my mailbox for the past three weeks. Well this month there is a story on the Brewers and I open to the page and bam i see corey hart and jj hardy playin ping pong shirtless....not a bad pic entices the ladies. Then i look around and what or rather who do I see. Well I dont want to ruin it for you so Ill just tell you take a gander on the right side of the picture and see whose moosenuckle is coming out dem der hey dolphin shorts.......Have a great day...

Oh yeah, by the way I hope to one day re-create this picture with knockdown and bcatt....short straw rocks the moose knuckle!